25 Jun Shatavari | Queen of Herbs
Shatavari is made from the ground up roots of Asparagus Racemosus. This herb is one of the most important restorative and regenerative tonic herbs for women. Shatavari is an Ayurvedic herb which is translates as “she who posseses 100 husbands”. It’s a tonic for the entire female reproductive system, improving fertility, increasing libido, galactagogic (increases breast milk production), adaptogenic, while also raising the body’s resistance to stress and reducing any spasmodic pain. Shatavari is also nourishing and detoxifying, while also calming stress and anxiety.
Whenever there are skin disorders I first recommend balancing hormones. This is the best thing I’ve come across to help clear skin. Then I recommend alkalising and oxygenating your system, which generally leads to reduced inflammation.
Please keep in mind that Shatavari’s natural environment is being destroyed, and the plant is now considered ‘endangered’ so please use it conscientiously. Dosage is 1/3 tsp daily with water and is available from www.faithful-to-nature.co.za
Side-effects are minimal, if present at all. Please research further if Shatavari is of interest to you.
Please feel free to contact me at megan@organicmachine.co.za
Wishing you health and happiness